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God's Amazing Love

Writer's picture: thebridgespeaks7thebridgespeaks7

“Dear Friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God, whoever does not love does not know God, because God is Love” (1 John 4:7-8).

You must know who God is to understand what love is. The Scriptures remind us of God's infinite love towards His children. We often consider this attribute of love as the very nature of God Himself, it is the core of who He is and how He relates to humanity. "For the Lord is good, and His love endures forever; His faithfulness continues through all generations" (Ps.100:5). His unchanging, unending love is poured out for all creation despite their past sins and failures. For those who have faith in Jesus Christ, His love is everything.

God's amazing love is unlimited and inexhaustible and knows no boundaries or exceptions; it can soften the hardest of hearts and draw people to Himself. Because His love knows no limits, no one, not even the most sinful of people, are beyond redemption. Praise the Lord that "where sin abounds, His Grace, His Love abounds much more” (Rom. 5:20). Brothers and Sisters, no matter how far you think you have strayed, this means you are not beyond the reach of His redeeming love. Not only does He, "pardon sin and forgive our transgressions, but even more so, He delights in doing so” (Mic. 7:18-19). “When the Bible says God loves the world, it doesn’t footnote any exceptions. God’s grace is inexhaustible” – Lee Strobel.

How did God show His love for us? “He sent His one and only Son into the world that we might live through Him” (1 John 4:9). As recipients of His amazing love, our call to action is to, “love one another, just as He has loved us, and to be willing to lay down our lives for the life of our family and friends” (John 15:12). This act of love towards each other can often seem challenging, especially when we attempt to love in our own strength. However, we are not alone. We have our helper, the Holy Spirit, living inside us to guide us in loving one another. One of the best ways to grow your love for each other is by developing a deeper love relationship with God.

We build a deeper awareness of His amazing love when we grasp the following truths. “Love begins with God; Christ's love compels us because we are convinced that He died for all" (2 Cor. 5:14), and the Holy Spirit empowers us to love others (1 John 4:13). It is God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit working in loving unity towards all creation.

When we abide in Jesus’ love towards us, just as He abides in His Father’s love towards Him, we grow in our love relationships towards each other. (John 15:9-10). Jesus teaches these things so that His Joy will be in us, and that our joy may be made full" (v.11).

Therefore, consider how deep His love is for us and Jesus’ gift of salvation that “while we were still sinners, Jesus not only laid down his life for his friends but also for his enemies who despised and rejected Him. Through His death, we were reconciled to and saved by His life” (Rom. 5:8-10).

How does His selfless act of love change how you view your relationships with others? What amount of love has God given you toward a particular person, and how can you turn that love into action to show them the love of God?

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